Dear All, I am new in micro controller programming, I have micro controller 89C51 and I need the circuit components and schmatic of the programmer ciruit which is interfaced to the computer with the serial port. Please some can send it to me Thanks Regards Sameh
OOPS it only program discontinued chips
so i suggest that waleed zawawii discontinue advertising it.
After a long time I came here. And it was a great entertainment reading the enitre thread. :)
Well for programmer, check if this helps.
But the best answer is already given by Erik and Andy which says "Why, oh why does this activity still go on when there is a plethora of ISP chips available?"
Beginners, please don't just request for schematics and/or programmer details. Read datasheets. It says everything.
And moreover there are sites like and
Please use them before asking such questions.
Regards, Shriram
Note: But what I feel is that people are reluctant to read datasheets :(
They would rather die than read documentation in any form.
And most importantly: Everything must be free and working yesterday. Time is for data games. Money is for buying faster computers to play pirated games on. No resources of any kind may be spent on school work.
Already the title says it is bull! "programmer for 89 series chips"
The P89LPC program different from the P89C which program different from the P89L which program different from the AT89C which program different from some other AT 89c which programm different from the AT89S which program different from ....
For NXP (nee Philips) use FlashMagic, for Atmel, use FLIP both are free why use some bungling amateurs 'tested', not 'designed' thingy when an authorized, professional solution is available for FREE
erik malund: "For NXP (nee Philips) use FlashMagic, for Atmel, use FLIP both are free why use some bungling amateurs 'tested', not 'designed' thingy when an authorized, professional solution is available for FREE"
As far as the link is concerned, the progerammer is for ATMEL chips only. The list is included in the documentation. :)