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Does C51 support 'Link List' data structure?

Dear Expert,
I have a simple C program with 'linklist' data structure processing as below.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node{
unsigned int id;
struct node * next;

void main(void){
struct node * first;
struct node * n;
unsigned int i;

first->next = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node) * 10);
if(first->next == NULL)printf("** Not enough memory space\r\n");
printf("first->next %X\r\n",first->next);
first = NULL; //no first link
n->id = i;
n->next = first;
first = n;
while(first != NULL){
printf("n->id = %X , n->next %X\r\n",first->id,first->next);
first = first->next;
When I run this program , the result is unterminate loop. But I try to test this program on Turbo C++ when including "malloc.h" , it is work and result is correct! What wrong with this codeing?

Then,I wonder does C51 support link list data processing?

I will looking forward your reply and thank you for all suggestion.


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