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Transfer data from Flash to internal RAM


Program which can earse the entire on-chip flash must run from internal RAM.

In my project design, the erase code resides in a known location of Flash. At certain point of execution I need to transfer that block of code to internal RAM, so that the erase procedure can carry on.

Will anyone please help me in writing the code / give me some information as how to go ahead with this.

Thanks and regards

  • Hi Rashmi,

    What Flash RAM IC are you using?

    I have some sample code for the Flash RAM AMD 29F040B. The program copies itself to RAM, then goes and erase/write to the AMD Flash.

    If you want this code, I need your e-mail address. I never did use the code so will not be able to support you on it.


  • Hi Rashmi,

    What Flash RAM IC are you using?

    I have some sample code for the Flash RAM AMD 29F040B. The program copies itself to RAM, then goes and erase/write to the AMD Flash.

    If you want this code, I need your e-mail address. I never did use the code so will not be able to support you on it.

