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'code U8 u8data' visible in all sources files ?

Hi all,

I've a file named FONT.H where are located some text fonts in code.
They are defined and initialized like this:

code U8 au8FontSystem5x8[]= {
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Espace	0x20 */
0x00,0x00,0x4f,0x00,0x00, /* ! */

My graphic routines are located in a GLCD.C file.
In the GLCD.H, I've defined and declared structures like this :
typedef struct FONT_DEF
	U8 u8Width;     	/* Character width for storage         */
	U8 u8Height;  		/* Character height for storage        */
	U8 *au8FontTable;       /* Font table start address in memory  */

struct FONT_DEF *pptr;

extern struct FONT_DEF code Font_System5x8 = {5, 8, au8FontSystem5x8};
extern struct FONT_DEF code Font_System7x8 = {7, 8, au8FontSystem7x8};

Using these structures in the GLCD.C file is working fine.

However, an other module which includes the GLCD.H file, should call a Graphic function located in the GLCD.C file which display text and pass the pointer to a font structure as parameter :
GLCD_Printf("Hello world", &FontSystem5x8);

But, an error message occurs when including GLCD.H :
***ÿERROR 202 IN LINE 35 OF GLCD.H: 'au8FontSystem5x8': undefined identifier

This means that the code defined in FONT.H isn't available for other modules than GLCD.C where it's included.

The problem is that I can't include FONT.H in all the modules because of multiple definition and code size.
But how to make this code visible everywhere.

I've tried :
extern code U8 au8FontSystem5x8[]= {
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Espace	0x20 */
0x00,0x00,0x4f,0x00,0x00, /* ! */

without success

Any suggestion ?


  • While no exactly answering your question, here is how I do it.

    #if MAIN
    #define XXX extern
    #define XXX

    XXX U8 a_variable;

    #if MAIN
    code u8 text_string[]{hello again};
    extern code U8 text_string;

    #define MAIN
    #include "everything.h"

    #include "everything.h"


  • While no exactly answering your question, here is how I do it.

    #if MAIN
    #define XXX extern
    #define XXX

    XXX U8 a_variable;

    #if MAIN
    code u8 text_string[]{hello again};
    extern code U8 text_string;

    #define MAIN
    #include "everything.h"

    #include "everything.h"

