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LX51 and Disassembly Output File

I recently upgraded from DK51 to PK51, one of the big reasons was the new 'disassembly output file' option.

However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this to work when using ONLY assembler files.

I have a project (and I re-made it from scratch) containing my assembly source files. I have checked the 'pack' option in 'C' (I note that this doesn't relate to assembly files). I have enabled the generation of the '.cod' file. But no '.cod' file is generated!

It appears (I'm guessing) that only if the object file indicates that packing was done, is the '.cod' file made, but since there is no documentation, I don't know for sure.

How can one generate a '.cod' file from a project that is using only Assembly, not C?

Any help is appreciated.

David Erbas-White

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