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"improper fixup" linking error caused by load and store library routines?


It seems as if the load and store library routines used by the C51 compiler (see for a description of these routines) are the cause of an 'improper fixup' error I'm getting while linking. I'm using the ROM(SMALL) directive in conjunction with a customized linker command line:

CODE(?CO?StateTest(0x4005), ?PR?*) OVERLAY(* ! ?PR?_UPDATE?StateTest, * ! ?CO StateTest)

to link the following small program:
#pragma ROM(SMALL)

unsigned int update(unsigned int arg0, unsigned int arg1);

typedef struct ProcessFragmentState {
unsigned int x;
unsigned char a;
} PFragState;

unsigned int code StateSize = sizeof(PFragState);

PFragState xdata * statePtr;

unsigned int update(unsigned int arg0, unsigned int arg1) {
(statePtr -> x) = (statePtr -> x) + 1;
return arg0 + arg1;


Shouldn't the linker be able to figure out where to place the load and store routines such that they satisfy the ROM(SMALL) requirements? Is there a way around this?


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