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RTX166 workspace and heaps


I am having trouble to correctly understand the following :
1) task work spaces
2) rtx166 system heap
3) rtx166 context heap

I am working on one application that uses 11 tasks and with far model.

os_use_heap returns 66132
os_use_heap_far returns 3372

and I have:
static unsigned int huge system_heap[0x1000];
static unsigned int near contxt_heap[0x1000];
for os_start_system().

all task have WSPSIZE=256

now can anyone explain a bit of how this works!!! does rtx dynamically manages the pools!!!

what does os_use_heap and os_use_heap_far really returns for far model?

How can I see if WSPSIZE for each task are ok!
Anyone knows a trick for these configurations?

Any help on this matter will be welcomed.


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