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When I link my *.obj ocdes, the error message : ADDRESS SPACE OVERFLOW and REFERENCE MADE TO ERRONEOUS EXTERNAL occur. How to deal with the problems?
Thanks a lot.

  • Well, what do you do when anything overflows?
    What does "overflow" mean? It means that you've tried to put too much stuff into somewhere that's too small!
    You must either get rid of some stuff, or find a bigger place to put it all, or another place to put some of it.

    The error message will tell you which memory space has overflowed - I'd guess it'll most likely be DATA.
    You then need to move some of your variables out of the DATA space to somewhere else - IDATA, PDATA, or XDATA.

    Read the "Memory Models" chapter in the manual.
    You might also want to review the 8051 memory architecture.

    The REFERENCE MADE TO ERRONEOUS EXTERNAL message is a result of the earlier OVERFLOW message; fix the 1st problem, and the 2nd will be fixed with it.

  • Well, what do you do when anything overflows?
    What does "overflow" mean? It means that you've tried to put too much stuff into somewhere that's too small!
    You must either get rid of some stuff, or find a bigger place to put it all, or another place to put some of it.

    The error message will tell you which memory space has overflowed - I'd guess it'll most likely be DATA.
    You then need to move some of your variables out of the DATA space to somewhere else - IDATA, PDATA, or XDATA.

    Read the "Memory Models" chapter in the manual.
    You might also want to review the 8051 memory architecture.

    The REFERENCE MADE TO ERRONEOUS EXTERNAL message is a result of the earlier OVERFLOW message; fix the 1st problem, and the 2nd will be fixed with it.

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