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Build counter

One can often see "build number" in about boxes of different applications for PC. Wouldn't it be nice if uVision had some sort of 'build counter'? It would help in tracing version numbers and show the amount of work spent for writing software.

  • This would normally be handled by a version/revision control system such as SCCS, SourceSafe, etc.

    uVision provides Pre-configured template files for: Intersolv PVCS,
    Microsoft SourceSafe, and MKS Source Integrity.
    (See the description of the SVCS menu in the Getting Started guide).

  • This would normally be handled by a version/revision control system such as SCCS, SourceSafe, etc.

    uVision provides Pre-configured template files for: Intersolv PVCS,
    Microsoft SourceSafe, and MKS Source Integrity.
    (See the description of the SVCS menu in the Getting Started guide).
