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Mr Neil, Thank you! I made SPeriDLL.dll successfully in your way.

Mr Neil, Thank you! I made SPeriDLL.dll successfully in your way.

My BCB version number is 5.0.
What I met is little different from yours.
However I made success in building SPeriDLL.dll .

BTW: I want to add some function in this program with VCL. Can I do it in this way?

  • "I want to add some function in this program with VCL."

    I don't know, but I'd guess not;
    I'd guess that MFC and VCL are mutually exclusive?

    Maybe you could put your extensions in a separate DLL using VCL?

    Now that we know that it is possible to write BCB DLLs for uVision, it might be better to start by re-writing SPeriDLL completely in VCL, and then go from there?

    Maybe that's just far too many TLAs for one post!? ;-)

  • "I want to add some function in this program with VCL."

    I don't know, but I'd guess not;
    I'd guess that MFC and VCL are mutually exclusive?

    Maybe you could put your extensions in a separate DLL using VCL?

    Now that we know that it is possible to write BCB DLLs for uVision, it might be better to start by re-writing SPeriDLL completely in VCL, and then go from there?

    Maybe that's just far too many TLAs for one post!? ;-)

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