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Serial echo'ed back

Using the Dallas 80C320 with Keil evaluation software. I am seeing the data sent to the Uc echoed back to the sender. I am not intentionally echoing the data. I can't find any mention of this in the data sheets or the Keil website. Anyone have any ideas?

  • Have you checked the following:

    * Local Echo is turned on in your terminal program.
    * You're accidentally writing received characters to SBUF.
    * You have a hardware ECHO somehow built-in to your target board. (I don't have a great idea of how you'ld accidentally do this:-)


  • Have you checked the following:

    * Local Echo is turned on in your terminal program.
    * You're accidentally writing received characters to SBUF.
    * You have a hardware ECHO somehow built-in to your target board. (I don't have a great idea of how you'ld accidentally do this:-)

