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exit debugger without stoping applikation

in former versions of uVision2 I was able to quit the monitor without stoping the application. Is there any known possibility to do this with V2.06 too?


  • It seems to me that I just do that by telling the debugger to stop. When it (the debugger) says that it can't stop the target and that I must press the RESET button, it does give me the option to stop debugging and exit the debugger anyway.

    Have you tried just disconnecting the serial cable and clicking STOP in uVision2?

    Keil Support

  • It seems to me that I just do that by telling the debugger to stop. When it (the debugger) says that it can't stop the target and that I must press the RESET button, it does give me the option to stop debugging and exit the debugger anyway.

    Have you tried just disconnecting the serial cable and clicking STOP in uVision2?

    Keil Support
