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Reading *.lst or *.ELF file

Dear All,

I'm trying to tracking the .lst file as the below.
but I'm confused what is the current pc value?

Fron here, 0x010002b4: 4902 .I LDR r1,[pc,#8] ; [0x10002c0] = 0x20000000

Does [0x10002c0] mean the current 'pc' value or should I have to consider that value already calculated by #8?

What exactly does 0x10002c0 mean?

... SystemInit 0x010002b4: 4902 .I LDR r1,[pc,#8] ; [0x10002c0] = 0x20000000 0x010002b6: 4801 .H LDR r0,[pc,#4] ; [0x10002bc] = 0x2faf080 0x010002b8: 6008 .' STR r0,[r1,#0] 0x010002ba: 4770 pG BX lr $d 0x010002bc: 02faf080 .... DCD 50000000 0x010002c0: 20000000 ... DCD 536870912 $t

Thanks in advance.

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