is there an energy agent version for the ARM aarch64 architecture? This site
only provides RPMs for the x86_64 architecture.
I see. This restriction comes from the licence type you currently own. I think we should follow-up in private as this is a commercial matter rather than technical. Please send me an email at patrick.wohlschlegel@arm.com.
I have a trial license and as expected, it did not work. Node power was not an option.
Section 24.13 Custom metrics from the Forge user guide mentions the following document: allinea metric plugin interface. I did a quick search on the arm website and i did not find any documents or mention of it. could you point me to it?
Hi there,
I am sorry it didn't work. It was worth a shot. You will find the documentation in the installation directory of Forge, in /path/to/forge/map/metrics/doc/allinea-metric-plugin-interface.
I hope this helps!