I'm trying to get the 64 bit OpenCL 1.2 libraries onto my Android development board. My goal is to finally use ARM Compute Library with OpenCL on Android.
I see that since Android 4.x onwards OpenCL support was stopped by Google (probably to promote Renderscript).
The Mali OpenCL SDK (refered from Khronos website) seems broken.
The Mali SDK Home page has a link for Mali OpenCL SDK which is getting redirected to ARM Compute Library page.
The ARM Compute Library has suupport for Android and has OpenCL Stubs and asking the user to use the real libOpenCL.so library
My guess is that the Mali OpenCL SDK page is temporarily down for maintainence.
Could someone help please?
Where do I find the OpenCL 1.2 SDK?
How do I (cross) compile the OpenCL 1.2 libraries for Android?
I don't want to port the Mali OpenCL SDK into Android build system and build from within Android SDK. I'm fine using a standalone Android toolchain to cross-compile the Mali OpenCL SDK and copying the libraries onto my target.
Thank you.
Thanks for your inputs Pete.
I'll check with the chipset vendor for the libraries.
Peter Harris said:
For any specific device you might find that the libGLES_mali.so graphics library on the platform actually also exports the OpenCL symbols; if you create a symlink to that call libOpenCL.so then you might find it works. Running "strings" over the library will let you know which symbols it exports.
Thanks for this hint as well!!