I am trying to get Mali Graphics Debugger v4.8 to trace my Vulkan application on a rooted Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos) but it is causing the application to crash. The application is running correctly without MGD, I have turned the Android validation layers on and no error or serious warning is displayed.
If I start it with MGD tracing, it causes the error:
ERROR: [IMAGE] Code 710936520 : vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(): Image must have tiling of VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR. The spec valid usage text states 'image must have been created with tiling equal to VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR' (https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/html/vkspec.html#VUID-vkGetImageSubresourceLayout-image-00996)
to appear, and the application to crash afterwards.
I had to include libMGD.so in my APK libs and also rename it to libVkLayer_MGD.so to make it work.
Are there limitations in the way MGD handles Vulkan images?
Here's the crash report:
8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'samsung/heroltexx/herolte:7.0/NRD90M/G930FXXU1DQCG:user/release-keys' 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: Revision: '8' 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: ABI: 'arm64' 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: pid: 8296, tid: 8348, name: stscene.classic >>> virtualarts.testscene.classic <<< 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x0 0000000000000025 x1 00000075f9984088 x2 0000000000000000 x3 00000075f9984050 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x4 00000075f9984050 x5 0000000000000000 x6 000000760976b000 x7 0000000000000000 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x8 0000000000000006 x9 0000000000000000 x10 00000075e033f980 x11 0000000000000000 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x12 00000075e0341820 x13 00000003e8000000 x14 0000000000000000 x15 00164aee3d780d3e 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x16 00000075e07a3948 x17 00000076087fc01c x18 0000000000000000 x19 00000075f9984088 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x20 0000007604fa6800 x21 0000000000000001 x22 0000000000000001 x23 0000000000000000 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x24 0000000000000037 x25 00000075f32760c0 x26 0000000000000025 x27 00000000094006d8 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: x28 00000076087fb124 x29 00000075f9983660 x30 00000075e050acc8 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: sp 00000075f9983540 pc 00000075e050ae68 pstate 0000000060000000 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: backtrace: 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #00 pc 00000000000d9e68 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libVkLayer_core_validation.so 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #01 pc 0000000000017ea8 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libVkLayer_threading.so 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #02 pc 00000000005717f4 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libVkLayer_MGD.so 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #03 pc 00000000005593b4 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libVkLayer_MGD.so 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #04 pc 0000000000544b2c /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libVkLayer_MGD.so (vkCreateFramebuffer+80) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #05 pc 0000000000013ce0 /system/lib64/libvulkan.so 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #06 pc 000000000042b658 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libunivrs.so (_ZN3UVR18DeviceRenderTarget17setupFramebuffersERNS_13VulkanContextEiRKNS_16DeviceRenderPassERKSt8functionIFSt6vectorIN2vk9ImageViewESaIS9_EEiEE+420) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #07 pc 0000000000373114 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libunivrs.so (_ZN3UVR13VulkanContext22setupSceneFramebuffersEv+484) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #08 pc 000000000036d0ec /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libunivrs.so (_ZN3UVR13VulkanContext13platformSetupEv+124) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #09 pc 0000000000288204 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libunivrs.so (_ZN16AndroidLifeCycle13CreateContextEP11android_app+268) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #10 pc 0000000000287cd4 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libunivrs.so (_ZN16AndroidLifeCycle17engine_handle_cmdEP11android_appi+120) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #11 pc 000000000000fdc8 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libmain-native-activity.so 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #12 pc 00000000002886f8 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libunivrs.so (_ZN16AndroidLifeCycle11AppMainLoopEP11android_app+104) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #13 pc 000000000000d9b0 /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libmain-native-activity.so (android_main+64) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #14 pc 000000000000fd5c /data/app/virtualarts.testscene.classic-1/lib/arm64/libmain-native-activity.so 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #15 pc 00000000000696bc /system/lib64/libc.so (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+196) 8414-8414/? A/DEBUG: #16 pc 000000000001dbf0 /system/lib64/libc.so (__start_thread+16)
Hi Lorenzo,
Thanks for the bug report, I've pinged the MGD team who can hopefully provide some insights.
Cheers, Pete
It looks like the error reported by the validation layer references some code from the interceptor which doesn't conform to the API. But I think the code's behaviour should be harmless.
We generally don't recommend using the validation layer with the MGD interceptor. If you disable the validation layer, does your application still crash?
Hi Liam,
I can confirm that removing the validation layers made MGD work.