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MALI-T820 eglCreatePixmapSurface()

I am attempting to create a surface with eglCreatePixmapSurface () using MALI-T 820, but I have failed.
Opengl version uses 1.1.

I'm trying to create surface with the code below,
The return value of eglCreatePixmapSurface () becomes EGL_NO_SURFACE and fails.

  EGLint const attrib_list[] = {

  ret = eglChooseConfig(disp, attrib_list, &cconfig, 1, &num_config);
  if (ret != EGL_TRUE){
    fprintf(stderr,"get config failed...%d\n",ret);
    return EGL_NO_SURFACE;

  struct fbdev_pixmap buffer_type; = (unsigned short *)malloc(1000*1000) ;
  buffer_type.width  = 1000;
  buffer_type.height = 1000;
  buffer_type.format = 1;
  buffer_type.bytes_per_pixel = 4;
  buffer_type.buffer_size = 32;
  buffer_type.red_size = 8;
  buffer_type.green_size = 8;
  buffer_type.blue_size = 8;
  buffer_type.alpha_size = 8;
  buffer_type.luminance_size = 0;

  surface = eglCreatePixmapSurface(disp, cconfig, (EGLNativePixmapType)(&buffer_type), NULL);
  if (surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE){
    fprintf(stderr,"create surface failed...\n");
    return EGL_NO_SURFACE;

The type of fbdev_pixmap to pass to eglCreatePixmapSurface () defines the following itself.

typedef struct fbdev_pixmap
  unsigned int height;
  unsigned int width;
  unsigned int bytes_per_pixel;
  unsigned char buffer_size;
  unsigned char red_size;
  unsigned char green_size;
  unsigned char blue_size;
  unsigned char alpha_size;
  unsigned char luminance_size;
  fbdev_pixmap_flags flags;
  unsigned short *data;
  unsigned int format;
} fbdev_pixmap;

Is it wrong because fbdev_pixmap is specified incorrectly?