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Streamline Mali Counters

I am trying to optimize an app for Mali GPU. I am using a ARM Mali-T830 MP2 based device. I am trying to see which frame/draw  is stressing the GPU, but not able to get frame level or draw call level data from the tool. I am getting data from the counters which are sampled at time intervals. Is there a way to get frame/draw level data from the tool.

I am using a Community license for this. Any pointers would be helpful

  • Hi Sreyas, 

    Because of how tile-based renderers like Mali work, it is not possible to provide per-draw counter data (each draw is split into small pieces and interleaved with other draws at tile granularity).

    Streamline itself only supports sample-based data capture at 1ms resolution, but assuming you know your application frame rate (or use the Streamline annotation feature to add annotations for each eglSwapBuffers call) you can work out which time range covers each frame. The actual GPU rendering workload pipelines, so frames overlap but for performance work the aggregate performance is normally all you need.
