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Mali Offline Compiler v5.7 results

Hi  all:

I got the following result by compiling a opencl program. I do not know what is "work registers" and "uniform registers". Mali T600 a register bank that contains 1024 registers. Are the 1024 registers the sum of  "wor resigters" and "uniform registers" ?

Thank you



ARM Mali Offline Compiler v5.7.0
(C) Copyright 2007-2017 ARM Limited.
All rights reserved.

7 work registers used, 5 uniform registers used, spilling not used.

                        A       L/S     T       Bound
Instructions Emitted:   20      10      2       A
Shortest Path Cycles:   2       2       0       A, L/S
Longest Path Cycles:    N/A     N/A     N/A     N/A

A = Arithmetic, L/S = Load/Store, T = Texture
Note: The cycles counts do not include possible stalls due to cache misses.
Note: Shaders with loops may return "N/A" for cycle counts if the number of cycles cannot be statically determined.