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GLSL read+write image2D

I expected to be able to use both imageLoad and imageStore on the same image to read and modify it from within a compute shader.

Trying with a declaration of: layout(r32f, binding=0) uniform highp image2D x;
Produces "Shader error: Image has to be qualified as 'readonly', 'writeonly' or both."

I haven't been able to find yet how to specify "both" as the error implies is possible. Is there a keyword for this I've missed?

I'm using a Mali-T720 with GLES 3.1 v1.r7p0-02

  • Just to add an appendix to this one, as this post seems to get found in web searches for a related issue, which isn't a Mali bug. 

    There was a bug a long time ago, impacting  r32* bindings, which was fixed in 2017 drivers.

    You will still get this error for other binding formats because the OpenGL ES shader language spec requires this behavior:

    Except for image variables qualified with the format qualifiers r32f, r32i, and r32ui, image variables must specify either memory qualifier readonly or the memory qualifier writeonly.

    If you want read+write images you must make two separate variable definitions, one readonly and one writeonly, which can be bound to the same binding location. 


  • Just to add an appendix to this one, as this post seems to get found in web searches for a related issue, which isn't a Mali bug. 

    There was a bug a long time ago, impacting  r32* bindings, which was fixed in 2017 drivers.

    You will still get this error for other binding formats because the OpenGL ES shader language spec requires this behavior:

    Except for image variables qualified with the format qualifiers r32f, r32i, and r32ui, image variables must specify either memory qualifier readonly or the memory qualifier writeonly.

    If you want read+write images you must make two separate variable definitions, one readonly and one writeonly, which can be bound to the same binding location. 


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