Why didn't mali864 perform better than mali764?
hello, I encountered a problem recently:
In EGL_BUFFER_PRESERVED model, under exactly the same hardware condition(CPU, memory, GPU frequency..), it appeared that mali864 only showed half the performance compared with mali764.
for mali864 I used android 6.0.1 in 64bit and the GPU driver version is r12p0-04rel0;
for mali764 I used android 4.4.2 in 32bit and the GPU driver version is r4p1-02dev0;
so, here are the questions:
1.what may be the reason why this happen?
2.would a newer GPU driver help?
3.what can I do to fix this?
prio:6 tag:mali text:==>[INIT] (eglimage) CDBG: In file: hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 764 cdbgp_populate_from_system_environment
Initialization of a handle to the system environment failed (3)
This exception would influence the error above?
That message shouldn't impact anything.
However I'm pretty sure that if you're seeing those messages and the memory histogram at all, you're running a debug build of the driver, which may explain the performance issues you are seeing. Can you try a release build?
If you are a licensee (which would make sense if you are using debug builds of the driver), you make get a faster response to your questions via support@arm.com.
Cheers, Pete