After reading“PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS! Itty-bitty living space!” from edplowman, I'm wondering how the FP16 type can actually be used ?
When reading the ARMv7 and ARMv8 architectures manuals, the only instructions that I found to refer to half-precision floating-points are VCVT (ARMv7) or FCVT (ARMv8).
So, my questions are :
Thanks for these clarifications !
That said, what would be the general best practices for good CPU←→GPU bandwidth usage while retaining enough quality then ?
FP32 (Highp) for close range / high detail assets and (FP16) Mediump for landscape and random filling decoration, I guess ?
See previous answer:
In general for anything related to position (texture coordinates, vertex positions, uniform matrices for position transform, distance computation for lighting, etc) we'd generally recommend using highp/fp32. For anything related to color, or intermediate values which will turn in to a color at some point (such as normals for lighting) then fp16 is probably fine.
Alright then