Hi Community,
I am trying to run application for openVG1.1 on ARM MALI-400 r5p1.I have compiled the libOpenEGL.so for X11 windowing system but it seems that It is not able to get the Display.
Code snippet:
int tkNewWindow(CT_AppRec *pMe, int x, int y, int width, int height ) { EGLint majorVersion, minorVersion; pMe->native_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); printf("in tkNewWindow\n"); pMe->native_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(pMe->native_display, RootWindow(pMe->native_display, DefaultScreen(pMe->native_display)), x, y, width, height, 2, WhitePixel(pMe->native_display,0), BlackPixel(pMe->native_display, 0)); XMapWindow(pMe->native_display, pMe->native_window); if ( !pMe->native_window ) { FPRINTF(stderr, "%s", "Can't create windows.\n"); printf("Cant create windows\n"); return 0; } pMe->egl_display = eglGetDisplay(pMe->native_display); if (!eglInitialize(pMe->egl_display, &majorVersion, &minorVersion)) { FPRINTF(stderr, "%s", "eglInitialize failed.\n"); XDestroyWindow(pMe->native_display, pMe->native_window); XCloseDisplay(pMe->native_display); return 0; } eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENVG_API); return 1; }
I am getting below error:
eglInitialize failed. at line: 17 and 19
Can anyone please suggest me how I can solve this issue?
Does your platform actually have an OpenVG library for Mali present?
We used to have an OpenVG library so it's possible, but it's no longer an actively supported product from us and we've not licensed it in a long time, so it's unlikely ...
Cheers, Pete
Hi peter,
Thanks for your quick reply..
Yes, I do have openVG library for the platform.
I have full Mali DDK available and have compiled the openVG and openVGU library which is combined with libMali.so.1
To compile the openVG and openVGU library I have given configuration as below:
V=1 CONFIG=release TARGET_PLATFORM=default_8a TARGET_TOOLCHAIN=aarch64-linux-gcc VARIANT=mali400-r1p1-vg-linux-X11-no_Werror
(Supported openVG version for the platform id openVG1.1)
I am getting error from EGL initialization, so how can I make sure whether my openVG and openEGL libraries are proper?
Can you please suggest me, From where I should debug this issue?
Hi DP,
If you have Mali user-space source available you must be a licensee - please raise this via support@arm.com; they are more likely to be able to help than me.
Hi pete,
Thanks for the suggestion..