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The use of Open CL and Open GLES together


I am newbie. Now I understand a little work with Open GLES. I am using X11 Mali drivers on Odroid XU4 (Mali T628MP6). I have a question about the joint use of Open CL and Open GLES with X11 drivers (interop?). For example like you have a good example with the camera. But there used fbdev driver, and I am using X11 driver and here I do not know: Can I convert this example for X11 drivers? Or is it impossible? Because no direct access to the graphics buffer, or something else? And only fbdev drivers can work in this situation?

Similarly, such code for that camera:

1. Map and get mapped pointer (void* Image::get_mapped_ptr()):

void* _host_ptr = clEnqueueMapBuffer(_ctx->queue(), _cl_data, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, bufferSize(), 0, NULL, NULL, &err);
// where Context*_ctx, cl_mem _cl_data  is buffer

2. Transfer it into GLES code:

win->updateGreyscale(gray.cols(), gray.rows(), (unsigned char*) gray.get_mapped_ptr());

3. Unmap

I using these Mali libries:

>>>>>  EGL_VERSION: 1.4 Midgard-"r9p0-05rel0"

................  20161014 Update:

I modified this example to use with X11 drivers. But probably work 4 cores (or 2?) In the Open CL. And need to understand how to do all 6 cores working.

Sincerely. Thank you.