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How to get kernel code and user space lib android M of Mali 400MP.

Dear all,

How to get kernel code and user space lib android M of Mali 400MP?

This is utgard structure.

Can not find it at ARM Mali Utgard GPU series User Space Drivers?

please support me.

Thank you

  • Hi oanh,

    The Kernel GPL source code is available for Utgard here:

    Open Source Mali Utgard GPU Linux Kernel Drivers - Mali Developer Center

    The Userspace is proprietary and you will not be able to obtain sources for this.

    We do offer the userspace library prebuilt on our website (as you have linked to), but please note these binaries are very dependent on various components in the system.

    As such, the driver is most effectively obtained through the device vendor themselves.

    This is due to various integration work they have done, as well as any other additional features they may have included, which we wont have access to.

    The prebuilt userspace libraries we provide (as linked) are created by us to help the community in developing for Mali.

    We sadly cannot release a binary for every platform out there, so if you have a specific platform you would like us to support, and that you cannot get support direct from the manufacturer, then please let us know.

    We cannot commit to supporting this, but if enough people are asking for support on the same platform, then it is something we can investigate.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind Regards,

    Michael McGeagh