Hi Community,
I am building test suite for Open GL ES 2.0 with EGL support.When I run app ,i am getting above error while getting EGL extensions with API egl.querystring().
Anything I am missing here OR is it because of libMAli.so/libEGL.so/user-space-driver issue?
My platform is linux with x11 as window manager.
Let me know if you want more information
Message was edited by: vaibhav
Hi myy,
Firstly,Thanks for the response.
Here,is the code snipped from where i am getting error :
const char* const extensionStr = egl.queryString(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_EXTENSIONS);
Here is my snapshot of whole code.Actually i am querying extension before getting egl_display.
So if i am getting any platformEXT,then i will get EGL display connection using that.Otherwise ,i am trying to get EGL display using legacy method.
Whole ocde snippet:
EGLDisplay getDisplay (NativeDisplay& nativeDisplay)
const Library& egl = nativeDisplay.getLibrary();
const bool supportsLegacyGetDisplay = (nativeDisplay.getCapabilities() & NativeDisplay::CAPABILITY_GET_DISPLAY_LEGACY) != 0;
const bool supportsPlatformGetDisplay = (nativeDisplay.getCapabilities() & NativeDisplay::CAPABILITY_GET_DISPLAY_PLATFORM) != 0;
bool usePlatformExt = false;
EGLDisplay display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
TCU_CHECK_INTERNAL(supportsLegacyGetDisplay || supportsPlatformGetDisplay);
if (supportsPlatformGetDisplay)
const vector<string> platformExts = getPlatformExtensions(egl);<-------------------------------------------------------------------here i am getting error
usePlatformExt = de::contains(platformExts.begin(), platformExts.end(), string("EGL_EXT_platform_base")) &&
de::contains(platformExts.begin(), platformExts.end(), string(nativeDisplay.getPlatformExtensionName()));
if (usePlatformExt)
tcu::print("##### 2DISPLAY = %d\n",(EGLDisplay)display);
const vector<EGLint> legacyAttribs = toLegacyAttribList(nativeDisplay.getPlatformAttributes());
display = egl.getPlatformDisplayEXT(nativeDisplay.getPlatformType(), nativeDisplay.getPlatformNative(), &legacyAttribs[0]);
EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT()");
So, after trying to build a minimal eglQueryString example, I found two problems :
- If eglGetDisplay is not called, eglQueryString will return NULL and an EGL Error will be raised.
- If eglInitialize is not called, eglQueryString will also return NULL and an EGL Error will be raised.
Here's a quick working minimal example on how to use of eglQueryString. The example is in C but should be easy to adapt.
/* Compile with gcc -g3 -o example example.c -lX11 -lEGL */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <EGL/egl.h> #include <EGL/eglplatform.h> void printEGLError(); int main(void) { Display* x_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); EGLDisplay display = eglGetDisplay(x_display); assert(display != EGL_NO_DISPLAY); EGLint major, minor; eglInitialize(display, &major, &minor); char *string = eglQueryString(display, EGL_CLIENT_APIS); assert(string); printf("%s\n", string); return 0; } /* Use printEGLError to show a description of the last EGL Error. The descriptions are taken from the eglGetError manual */ #define ERROR_DESC(...) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __VA_ARGS__); break void printEGLError() { switch(eglGetError()) { case(EGL_SUCCESS): ERROR_DESC("The last function succeeded without error."); case(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED): ERROR_DESC("EGL is not initialized, or could not be initialized, for the specified EGL display connection."); case(EGL_BAD_ACCESS): ERROR_DESC("EGL cannot access a requested resource (for example a context is bound in another thread)."); case(EGL_BAD_ALLOC): ERROR_DESC("EGL failed to allocate resources for the requested operation."); case(EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE): ERROR_DESC("An unrecognized attribute or attribute value was passed in the attribute list."); case(EGL_BAD_CONTEXT): ERROR_DESC("An EGLContext argument does not name a valid EGL rendering context."); case(EGL_BAD_CONFIG): ERROR_DESC("An EGLConfig argument does not name a valid EGL frame buffer configuration."); case(EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE): ERROR_DESC("The current surface of the calling thread is a window, pixel buffer or pixmap that is no longer valid."); case(EGL_BAD_DISPLAY): ERROR_DESC("An EGLDisplay argument does not name a valid EGL display connection."); case(EGL_BAD_SURFACE): ERROR_DESC("An EGLSurface argument does not name a valid surface (window, pixel buffer or pixmap) configured for GL rendering."); case(EGL_BAD_MATCH): ERROR_DESC("Arguments are inconsistent (for example, a valid context requires buffers not supplied by a valid surface)."); case(EGL_BAD_PARAMETER): ERROR_DESC("One or more argument values are invalid."); case(EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP): ERROR_DESC("A NativePixmapType argument does not refer to a valid native pixmap."); case(EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW): ERROR_DESC("A NativeWindowType argument does not refer to a valid native window."); case(EGL_CONTEXT_LOST): ERROR_DESC("A power management event has occurred. The application must destroy all contexts and reinitialise OpenGL ES state and objects to continue rendering. "); } }
Hi vaibhav810,
QueryString in this case is expecting a valid EGL_DISPLAY.
Could you try to initialize your display using this method:
display = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); if(display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) { EGLint error = eglGetError(); LOGE("eglGetError(): %i (0x%.4x)\n", (int)error, (int)error); LOGE("No EGL Display available at %s:%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); }
And then use the display you got inside your query string.
For implementation example, you can refer yourself to the simple-framework project included in our OpenGL ES SDK for linux available here: Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Linux - Mali Developer Center