I run my 3D games/applications without problems. This is the output it made:
FATAL - GLES: (GLNativeProxy::FunctionTable::GLFunction<void __cdecl(unsigned in
t,int,unsigned int const *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'g
lUniformSubroutinesuiv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,double,double,double,double)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol
'glVertexAttribL4d' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glMemoryBarrier' in 'openg
l32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,double const *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glVertexAtt
ribL1dv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,int *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Cou
ldn't find symbol 'glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required f
or version of GL)!
t,unsigned int,unsigned int,int *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find sy
mbol 'glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version
of GL)!
ribL4dv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
mbol 'glGetProgramStageiv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,int,unsigned int,int,void const *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find
symbol 'glVertexAttribLPointer' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
ribL2dv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,unsigned int,unsigned int,int,int *,char *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Could
n't find symbol 'glGetActiveSubroutineName' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for vers
ion of GL)!
t,double,double)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glVertexAttr
ibL2d' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,unsigned int,double *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glGe
tVertexAttribLdv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
FATAL - GLES: (GLNativeProxy::FunctionTable::GLFunction<unsigned int __cdecl(uns
igned int,unsigned int,char const *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find
symbol 'glGetSubroutineIndex' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
n't find symbol 'glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName' in 'opengl32.dll' (required f
ribL3dv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,int,unsigned int *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glGetUn
iformSubroutineuiv' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,unsigned int,int,unsigned char,int,unsigned int,unsigned int)>::checkMissingVe
rsions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glBindImageTexture' in 'opengl32.dll' (requir
ed for version of GL)!
t,double)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glVertexAttribL1d'
in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
FATAL - GLES: (GLNativeProxy::FunctionTable::GLFunction<int __cdecl(unsigned int
,unsigned int,char const *)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'g
lGetSubroutineUniformLocation' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
t,double,double,double)>::checkMissingVersions 2455) Couldn't find symbol 'glVer
texAttribL3d' in 'opengl32.dll' (required for version of GL)!
GL renderer: [GeForce GTS 250/PCIe/SSE2]
GL vendor:[NVIDIA Corporation]
GL version: [3.3.0]
GL shading language version: [3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler]
FATAL - GL33Backend: (gles::GL33ContextBackend::bindGLTextureToTargetAndTextureU
nit 1369) Could not bind texture. This should never happen. Catastrophic GLES-GL
desynchronisation is about to occur. GLError = 0x0500
FATAL - Exception thrown in egl::IApi::eglMakeCurrent -> Underlying OpenGL error
in GL33Backend. See Fatal error logs for full details. This is probably a progr
amming error, so please report it
FATAL - GL33Backend: (gles::GL33ContextBackend::updateTextureParameters::<lambda
_89e4c25b3901227b306bd6c192f89693>::operator () 1307) Could not update integer t
exture parameter. This should never happen. Catastrophic GLES-GL desynchronisati
on is about to occur. GLError = 0x0500
FATAL - Exception thrown in GLES32Api::glGetString -> Underlying OpenGL error in
GL33Backend. See Fatal error logs for full details. This is probably a programm
ing error, so please report it
glGetError() = 1280 at line 78 of main.cpp
Press enter to continue...
If you use Dependency Walker on the executable and look at the opengl32.dll it is using, do you see any of the missing symbols in the list (e.g. glUniformSubroutinesuiv) ?
It might be a driver installation problem. It's possible that the link between your Windows opengl32.dll library and the Nvidia nvoglv32.dll library broke somehow. Try to update your driver from NVIDIA's OpenGL SDK presentation page.