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OpenCL strange error codes

I'm trying to run the parboil benchmark suite on a Mali-T628 using the Mali OpenCL SDK.

I created Makefile.conf with the following values:




I then compile the code with this command: ./parboil compile bfs opencl_base

Compilation completes with no errors.

Now, when I try and run the code I start to get some strange values returned. clGetPlatformIDs() returns -1094731096 platforms, with 1077010432 devices for platform 0

The stencil benchmark has a similar problem, expect it hits and error code for clBuildProgram(), the error code returned is -1093244224

  • Hi,

    The OpenCL library provided as part of the OpenCL SDK is a dummy one which is here only to allow you to bulid your application using OpenCL symbols, when you run your application, make sure the real OpenCL library gets used, not the one from the OpenCL SDK.

    Hope this helps,
