Hi, I am accelerating a image processing algorithm with OpenCL on the cellphone, however I met a case which had a very poor performance.
The case is to calculate the prefix sum of each row on the image (a 2D buffer). For example, a 3x3 image:
50 32 10
48 45 100
30 80 10
the result should be:
50 82 92
48 93 193
30 110 120
That is for each row store it's prefix sum. My opencl kernel is somewhat as follows:
__kernel void scan_h( __global int *dst, __global int *src, int width, int height, int stride) { int x = get_global_id(0); int data; data = 0; int i; for(i=0; i<width; i++) { data += src[i + x*stride]; dst[i+ x*stride] = data; } }
it needed about 100ms to finish a 3000*3000 image.
Another experiment show interesting result. If I calculate the each column prefix sum with the kernel as follows, the run-time is only 4ms.
__kernel void scan_v( __global int *dst, __global int *src, int width, int height, int stride) { int x = get_global_id(0); int data = 0; int i; for(i=0; i<height; i++) { data += src[x+i*stride]; dst[x+i*stride] = data; } }
I do know why is the difference. So a work around for the row prefix sum is to tranpose the image first and then perform column prefix sum followed with another transpose.
But I strongly wonder why the native row prefix sum is so slow?
in most cases, the stride are the same with the width. (more practically, it is the value of 128 bytes alignment of the width)