Hello everybody, I'm currently struggling with the said system.Is there somewhere a *full* sample code for Linux that does create an EGLImage for a texture and demonstrates how to update it with the CPU ?
Reference documentation seems ok but eglGetError keeps telling me I don't know what I'm doing
I won't post my various tries here because they don't work and therefore have no value for the reader, but I've been romaing the web and trying stuff for a while.
Cheers, Tramb
Bertrand Augereau were you able to do zero-copy upload of image data to OpenGL ES ? currently I am stuck in the same issue. I am reading data from camera and using glTexImage2D to upload to mali400 gpu. but it is very slow. Is there working sample code that does zero copy with eglCreateImageKHR OR EXT_image_dma_buf_import OR EGL_GL_TEXTURE_2D_KHR OR Pixmap ?