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Mali Graphics Debugger - do we need to specify OpenGL ES version?

Dear ARM Mali Graphics community,

I am a newbie to OpenGL ES & android programming and I am currently trying to figure out why an application is not rendering (at all) on an android 4.4 tablet with MALI 400 MP GPU, even though is reported to work fine on other devices.

In order to do so, I decided to try out  Mali Graphics Debugger with an application which *is* rendering as expected, namely the OpenGL example at website

However, I am having a hard time understanding the output of the debugger, because of many errors of the type: "API call returned an error code."

For instance, the first one is

24glGetIntegerv(pname=GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET, data=[])


It is my understanding that GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET was introduced in GLES30 ( see GLES30 on Android Developers ). Since MALI 400 supports GLES20 but not GLES30, I made sure of using

<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" />

in the AndroidManifest.xml file

Then why are there GLES30 calls in my trace? Do I need to tell Mali Graphics Debugger to use OpenGL ES 2.0 and not 3.0?

The trace file is available at  this link

Thanks for your suggestions!

  • peterharris is correct, MGD uses those queries to show you as much information about the target platform in the "Target State View" as possible.

    So they are not calls made by your application, don't cause any harm, and can be ignored (they should be in a big block together near the start of your trace).

    We are actually in the process of removing those in favour of something a bit more transparent.



  • peterharris is correct, MGD uses those queries to show you as much information about the target platform in the "Target State View" as possible.

    So they are not calls made by your application, don't cause any harm, and can be ignored (they should be in a big block together near the start of your trace).

    We are actually in the process of removing those in favour of something a bit more transparent.


