Dear experts,
I am looking for a board with a Mali T-8xx and a reasonable CPU (A9/A15/A53/A57/etc.) for developing software IPs over OpenCL
Hi omrysendik,
Whether a certain development board does or does not have OpenCL enabled is up to the BSP provider.
Here is a short list of development boards that I am aware of containing the Mali-T6xx or T7xx GPU's:
I mention these specifically because we provide generic versions of our driver for these devices that support OpenCL.
Please see this link for the list: ARM® Mali™ Midgard GPU User-Space Binary Drivers - Mali Developer Center
However the official BSP's from firefly and hardkernel respectively may already have OpenCL enabled, and the same may be true for other boards out there.
I hope that helps.
Kind Regards,
Michael McGeagh