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ARM Mali 400 performance analysis using the DS-5 Streamline

Dear ARM forum,

I am using the  DS-5 Streamline to analyze my application performance on ARM MALI 400.

I am seeing that,   GPU vertext processor activity for 3 milliseconds followed by a in-active period of 13 milliseconds then followed by 34 milliseconds GPU pixel proessor activity.


1.  I am trying to under stand , why there a so much of in-active period? How can I analyze this period for the performance impact?

2. Streamline has provided many performance measuring events, but there is a very poor documentation on , what is this event capturing and how to make use of it for GPU            
     performance analysis?

3. I want to measure the GPU  Vertex processor  performance in - How many triangles it is processing in one frame, how much time it consumed for that.

                                       GPU  Pixel processor  performance in - How many pixels processed in one frame,how much time it consumed for that.

4. Is there a document to discuss on analyzing all the events for performance analysis.


Ravinder Are

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