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mali driver ioctl failure

I have to install mali r5p2 driver on radxa rock pro board.

i had successfully build kernel and user space driver.

but i am getting the following error:


          the range supply was: phys_base=0x97000000, size=0x007E9000

     bind externel buf failed

     _mali_ukk_mem_bind, return ERROR

i had build user space driver with ump support for Android kitkat.

how can i make it work?

Thank you.

  • Hi mohit28,

    Considering you are stating you can build the user space driver, this must mean you have access to our proprietary DDK.

    This means you are most likely a partner of ARM and are thus entitled to dedicated support.

    Please contact ARM Support for this as we cannot discuss non-public information on the public community.

    Kind Regards,

    Michael McGeagh