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Setting up DS-5 Streamline for S6


Is there a specific guide to setup DS-5 Streamline for S6? I found this guide for Note 3 but I'd like to double check the steps speficic for S6.

Alternatively, is there an option to use DS-5 without having to rebuild the kernel?

  • Hi philira,

    Considering you are asking this in the Mali section of the community, I presume you are most interested in looking at the GPU hardware counters within Streamline for your S6.

    Unfortunately, Samsung have broken the instrumentation layer of the Mali driver found in the current (at time of writing) Android version. We are unable to resolve this ourselves as we do not control Samsung's OTA releases.

    We fully expect that the next OTA update Samsung push to the S6 (which contains a later release of the Mali driver) will resolve this issue. However we cannot comment on when this may happen.

    As for your second question, taking it as unrelated to the first, ARM DS-5 Streamline requires "Profiling" to be enabled in the kernel in order to function, irrespective of Mali.

    However most Android kernels I have encountered do not enable this by default. As such, you will be required to modify, rebuild, and reflash a kernel with at least this enabled in order to use Streamline.

    Apologies we cannot help any further.

    Kind Regards,

    Michael McGeagh