It is a question i asked on khronos forum but i had no answer. So i try to ask the question here.
When i try to use 64bit libraries to build my APK i always got the same error on my booth phonne hauwei honnor play and xiaomi 13T pro.
If someone could explain me why.
i replaced the int by int32_t for the w,h and ligth variables. But still the same problem.
i tried to replace the int to int32_t in the kernel but the kernel compilation failed with (error: unknown type name 'int32_t')
I cannot add the stdint.h file in the .cl kernel file, i got file not found. So i copied the stdint.h, stddef.h and compiler.h to the kernel and use the int32_t to replace the int. But i still got the same error CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE.
So the problem should come from the cl::Buffer which has the wrong size ?
I have found the problem after few weeks of interrogation.
The problem is because i use kernel.setArg(x,0)
it look like using 64bit it does not like the set to 0 in setArg.
But i got no idea why this append. So, it would be nice if some one could explain m why such a Bug. It is comming from the compiler, the driver or something else.
I tried to replace 0 by NULL but same error. What could i do if i want to keep my kernel without cange ?
And let me no if there is no solution except modifiyng the kernel without setARG with 0.
PS: i got no improvment in speed and some kernel that used range(16,16) need to be set to (2,2). Strange, i got the same problem with the xiaomi 13T pro. Hauwei seems to be the best even with 7 years old. How can thing be worse with time ?
i can get between 39 and 45ms with the hauwei by setting the batterie to performance, so 30% improvement and 22 frame seconde for big GPU and CPU traitement.
The conclusion is that 32bit give must better result than 64bit. Not surprising. That is for android phonne, i do not know for other platform. So i will keep working in 32bit. it is more efficient.
new code :
//gNV21Kernel.setArg(0,0); // debug//gNV21Kernel.setArg(1,0); // debugIdx//gNV21Kernel.setArg(0,0); // GRAYgNV21Kernel.setArg(0,bufferRGBA); // output RGBA//gNV21Kernel.setArg(2,0); // HSV//gNV21Kernel.setArg(4,0); // HSL//gNV21Kernel.setArg(5,0); // HSI//gNV21Kernel.setArg(6,0); // MMMgNV21Kernel.setArg(1,bufferNV21); // input NV21gNV21Kernel.setArg(2,w);gNV21Kernel.setArg(3,h);gNV21Kernel.setArg(4,ligth);gQueue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(gNV21Kernel, cl::NDRange(448,28), cl::NDRange(1024,1024), cl::NDRange(2,2),0,&arraySecondEvent);new kernel :
__kernel void nv21torgba( //__global int* debug, //__global int* debugIdx, //__global uchar4* Gray, __global uchar4* RGBA, //__global uchar4* HSV, //__global uchar4* HSL, //__global uchar4* HSI, //__global uchar4* MMM, __global uchar* in, int im_width, int im_height, int im_ligth)
Thank you for coming back to share the solution you found :)