Hi,I'm trying to generate Performance Advisor(html) with Unity debuggable sample application, but facing "Cannot find any frames" error.
Arm Performance Studio : 2024.1Device : Android 12
(1) Execute streamline_me.pyC:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Performance Studio 2024.1\streamline\bin\android>python streamline_me.py --lwi-mode=countersSearching for devices: XXXXX / YYYYY foundSelect a device: Auto-selected XXXXX / YYYYYSearching for debuggable packages: 2 packages foundSelect a debuggable packages: 1) com.DefaultCompany.Myproject 2) com.unity.template.urpsample 0) Exit script Select entry: 1 Selected com.unity.template.urpsampleSearching for an Arm GPU: Mali-G57 GPU foundInstalling OpenGL ES debug layerManual steps: 1) Configure and profile using Streamline 2) Press <Enter> here after capture has completed to finish.Waiting for data capture ...
(2) Capture on Streamline(9.1.0)Select "com.DefaultCompany.Myproject" on Streamline, then click start capture.After about 60 sec, stop capture button.
>Pulling capture from device>Disabling OpenGL ES debug layerThis log is output when type Enter command on terminal.
(3) Execute Streamline-cli.exeC:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Performance Studio 2024.1\streamline>Streamline-cli.exe -pa <apc folder>\unityapp_003.apc --directory=<log folder>\PerformanceAdvisorLog --application-name="unityapp_003" --device-name="DevDevice"Importing capture...Fetching data...Preparing report type html...WARNING: The series "Draw calls" could not be found.Ensure that you are running a capture made with a matching version of Streamline and that all the expression values in your report configuration are correct.WARNING: The series "Draw calls" could not be found.Ensure that you are running a capture made with a matching version of Streamline and that all the expression values in your report configuration are correct.Problems were found preparing html report:WARNING: Build name not provided. You can add this as a command line argument (use --build-name).WARNING: Build timestamp not provided. You can add this as a command line argument (use --build-timestamp).ERROR: Cannot find any frames. Please refer to the user guide for methods of providing frame data to Performance Advisor.
Please help to share solution
I don't believe we have any plans to support this in the near future!