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Why two sample code example in site Arm Developer for android SDK - is missing. First - Shader Pixel Local Storage ( and seconds - Advanced Shading Techniques with Pixel Local S

Why two sample code example in site Arm Developer for android SDK - is missing. First - Shader Pixel Local Storage and second - Advanced Shading Techniques with Pixel Local Storage. Where to find all code this examples, thanks !


  • The Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Linux contains at least the first sample, in Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4/samples/opengles_30/shader_pixel_local_storage.

    The Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Android contains A Subsurface Scattering sample similar to the second example (the sss function code is not the same) in Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_for_Android_v2.1.0/samples/advanced_samples/Translucency/assets/scattering.fs.

    Note that the SDK is mostly a package containing running OpenGL ES samples, a documentation describing the samples and some reusable libraries / boiler-plate code.

  • Hi Sergey,

    We re-arranged the structure of the sample code pages recently - You can find the pages you are looking for here:


    Hope this helps,