Does anyone know how to open the samples from the text guide, Chapter 16 for W7?
I have already downloaded the emulator, cmake and Visual Studio.
The instructions are somewhat confusing for me on page 448.
trying to get started with the 'Hello Triangle' code.
Hello again McG,
I really wanted to start with
Chapter 2, called Hello Triangle.
It looks like there is a process
of creating these folders/subdirectories
in an orderly fashion.
Lester R.
Hi Lester,
To be clear that book isn't actually anything to do with ARM, and I don't have a copy to check the instructions on that page . Do they specifically ask you to install the Mali GLES Emulator to build the samples against?
From a quick glance at danginsburg/opengles3-book · GitHub they only support Android and iOS as targets out of the box, are you sure the book states that you can build them for Windows?
Edit: PS the second repo benosteen/opengles-book-samples · GitHub appears to be a fork of the GLES 2 book's samples (OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide: Aaftab Munshi, Dan Ginsburg, Dave Shreiner: 9780321502797: Books) but ported to run on windows against an Emulator. If you want to run on Windows and not on an Android/iOS GLES 3 enabled device, then that's a good start but you won't be able to work through them with your GLES 3 book, you will need the GLES 2 book.
According to the book, that's what it says.
I went to qualcomm developer site to download
the Adreno SDK emulator, but there's a bunch
of links there.
Have no idea what to pick.
I was able to download the Adreno Qualcomm SDK 3.9
after searching.
Hi borikensis7,
Just so you know, we do not own the Qualcomm Adreno SDK so cannot give any further guidance for this.
We can help with any Mali Emulator questions you may have however.
Kind Regards,
Michael McGeagh
Ok so basically the guide is directing you to download one of three possible Open GLES 3 emulators, and then point CMAKE at it so it can generate working Visual Studio projects for you. They give example paths for the Adreno SDK if extracted at C:\AdrenoSDK, but basically you should be able to download and extract any of the emulators and point CMAKE at the EGL and GLES libraries contained within. It also wants you to point it at the root directory of the examples which you can download from Dan Ginsburg's git repo, the link for which you already have. Does this make sense?
Hope that helps,
So when I open CMake, where and how do I exactly
type this command to point at the Mali emulator's EGL libraries,
in 'Search:'?
Thanks in Advance,
The guide you scanned in shows the steps, at the top of the dialog there is a field labeled "Where is the source code", fill that in and it should populate the view with all the variables it wants you to fill in. You shouldn't need to use the search as it looks like there's only 3 things to fill in.
Hello Chris V.!
During this time I was
getting somewhat familiar with Visual Studio.
It looks like when I try to build the OpenGL examples,
I get errors and I think that's due for not having the setup
for 'environment variables' in 'advance settings' on my w7 pc.
I was able to do it with Android Studio, but still no luck with VS 2013.
I've never tried to compile this specifically but it seems like it should "just work" if you've run the CMake steps correctly. What are the errors you're seeing in VS2013?
When I open CMake and locate folder it builds up the project, I believe.
I have already installed Adreno and Mali.
I am not sure what ' point CMAKE at the EGL and GLES libraries contained within the Adreno SDK' entails.
When I open the 'build folder', I click on 'Project.sln', it opens VS and this is the list of errors that I get.
For sure, I am missing a step here.
VS2013 is complaining that it can't find the include files (and therefore a bunch of undefined blah) 99% likely because you haven't set the include path to include the directory where they are stored.
The actual reason for this not just working however appears to be that you're pointing CMake at the directory for a specific example project, when you should be pointing it at the root directory of the repo you have cloned, in your case appears to be E:/OpenGL ES/opengles3-book-master/
Hi Chris,
I am missing an entry here on my end.
This is what I entered in CMake GUI
and got this error.
No such issues on my end:
Give it a try with 3.3.0-rc4 (latest available on the site at time of writing) and give a different directory for "Where to build the binaries" is worth doing.
Hello Chris.
Late reply from my part.
I can get CMake to configure and generate with no errors.
But it fails to point to any specific EGL Libraries.
In Visual Studio it generates error code C1083.
Thanks in advance.
Starting with earliest error first, I noticed you're still pointing CMake at a specific sample code, you should instead be pointing it AT THE ROOT! In your case this looks to be E:/OpenGL ES/opengles3-book-master/