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performance advisor: cmd errors before starting capture


I am trying to run the script in the console with the 'python3 --lwi-api=vulkan' line inside the helpers directory(python 3.10 installed) and also, as it seems I can capture in the streamline alone and without running the script that exits with an error code.

What do I get when I run the python script in the console ->

Searching for devices:
found - my device - check

Select a device:
Auto-selected - my device - check 

Searching for debuggable packages:
1 debuggable package found - my app - check

Select a debuggable package:
Auto-selected - my app - check

Searching for a Mali GPU:
Mali-G52 GPU found - my device's GPU - check 

Configuring LWI
--lwi-vk-layer-lib-path not specified, assuming C:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Mobile Studio 2022.0\performance_advisor\lwi\helpers\..\target\android\arm\64-bit\

Enabling Vulkan debug layer........

and then, I get these errors:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Mobile Studio 2022.0\performance_advisor\lwi\helpers\", line 696, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Mobile Studio 2022.0\performance_advisor\lwi\helpers\", line 641, in main
enable_vulkan_debug_layer(device, args, vkLayerLibPath)
File "C:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Mobile Studio 2022.0\performance_advisor\lwi\helpers\", line 227, in enable_vulkan_debug_layer
device.adb("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1")
File "C:\Program Files\Arm\Arm Mobile Studio 2022.0\performance_advisor\lwi\helpers\", line 265, in adb
rep =, check=True, shell=shell, stdout=sp.PIPE,
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\", line 524, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['adb', '-s', '0580d7220405', 'shell', 'settings', 'put', 'global', 'enable_gpu_debug_layers', '1']' returned non-zero exit status 255.

Any ideas / known issue / happened to anyone else before?

I would love to know. Thanks in advance.

  • Hello again,

    I finally managed to fix this on my own.

    Under the Developer Options in the Android Device, apart from the original "USB debugging" option (mentioned in the Performance Advisor's documentation) there is another Option that also needs to be enabled. It is called "USB debugging(Security Settings)". Now I get no errors:

    Enabling Vulkan debug layer...

    1) Configure and profile using Streamline
    2) Press <Enter> here after capture has completed to finish.