I know Mali400 and Mali 6xx support UMP. to accelerate performance.
Does Mali T760 support UMP?
If answer is "yes", I will try to develop with my Firefly board.
Thanks for replying.
Hi mop, Chris,
Headers are there indeed, however functions are not included in libmali binary so you will get stuck with linking errors . I got stuck and then checked using objdump -T.
Related to this I have a more specific but similar question (or do I need to start a new discussion?):
I got the hardware video decoder working on my firefly/rk3288. I can blit the yuv/nv21 output frame to rgb frame memory using fireflys dedicated 2d acceleration hardware. All I need right now is a memory pointer, pointing directly to the texture memory, in order to use the video frame in my shaders. In android I would create a GraphicBuffer object and this to eglCreateImageKHR()+glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES. Right now I use glTexSubImage2D to copy and I get about 12 fps for 1920x1080 frames.
What is the best way to do this for firefly linux 3.10 with fbdev mali t760 driver? How can I get a pointer sharing CPU/GPU texture memory? UMP isnt there it seems. And is there maybe some sample code available?
EDIT: I just started another discussion/thread for this, not to interfere with this one: How to share texture memory between CPU/GPU for firefly's/rk3288 fbdev Mali-T764
Hi mac_l1,
Which functions are missing? GL functions or UMP ones? From memory UMP userspace functions are in a libump.so userspace library not libmali.so
Hi Chris,
I guess that is true, also my first thought.
However, I can't find libump.so for T760 anywhere.
Is it available somewhere? Or is it expected?
Cheers -