cl_image_format imageFormat;
imageFormat.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNSIGNED_INT16;
imageFormat.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA; // considering image with only single channel
// Allocate SVM memory
size_t imageSize = width * height * sizeof(cl_uchar);
cl_uchar *imgSvmPtr = (cl_uchar *) clSVMAlloc(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, imageSize, 0);
// Create a buffer object using the SVM memory
cl_mem svmImgBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, imageSize, imgSvmPtr, NULL);
// Set the SVM buffer to image description parameter and set the other parameters accordingly
cl_image_desc imageDesc;
memset(&imageDesc, '\0', sizeof(cl_image_desc));
imageDesc.image_type = CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D;
imageDesc.image_width = width / 4;
imageDesc.image_height = height;
imageDesc.mem_object= svmImgBuffer;
// Create 2D image, which will be used as input as well as output image
cl_mem image2D = clCreateImage(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &imageFormat, &imageDesc, NULL, &status);
status = -65, I want to know why ? thanks
Mr jiao said:size_t imageSize = width * height * sizeof(cl_uchar);
Shouldn't this be sizeof(cl_ushort) given the channel data type is CL_UNSIGNED_INT16?
If this doesn't work, try setting image_depth = 1 and image_array_size = 1.
If that doesn't work, then I'm afraid it looks like a potential driver issue. What driver version are you using? Any reason you're starting from an SVM allocation rather than a buffer?
anyway, thanks. first, this should be size_t imageSize = width * height * sizeof(cl_ushort), I write wrong. I try setting image_depth and image_array_size,but it don't work. my driver is follows:
name : ARM Platform11-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] vendor : ARM11-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] version : OpenCL 2.1 v1.r21p0-01rel0.15967fb8d94527311cf969f52c0720a211-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] opencl device info : 11-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] name : Mali-G57 r0p011-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] vendor : ARM11-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] type : GPU11-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] profile : FULL_PROFILE11-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] version : OpenCL 2.1 v1.r21p0-01rel0.15967fb8d94527311cf969f52c0720a211-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] driver version : 2.111-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] max workgroup size : 51211-06 09:33:32.813 7993 7993 D mialgo_basic: [mialgo_basic] local mem size : 32768
I wonder this driver don't suppose u16 rgba svm to create image object