In the streamline counters, what does the "Sample test cull rate" mean in Mali Geometry Culling Rate?
"The percentage of primitives entering the sample coverage test that are killed by it." -- This is tips for this counter. But i can not get the exact meaning of it.
So please explain it for details, many thanks!
Firstly, I am so happy for your replay.
But sorry for my poor knowledge about GPU. In my understand, small triangles override one pixel at least. Did I miss any important knowledge? How does rasterization work? Is it convenient to give some links to this knowledge?
It's all about arm64 structure, there is a tile blinning pass before fragment pass, which will do tile and rasterization job or any stuff. sorry I could not offer some refer, because I read these in a chinese translate version(may be not correct somehow). I'm now finding the explanation of "Z plane culled rate "