Hi all
We are currently migrating an embedded application from a Mali 400MP2 Utgard platform to one with a Mali T720 Midgard GPU. The application uses the following (probably fairly common) mali_egl_image* code to achieve zero-copy update of a texture:
EGLImageKHR eglImage = eglCreateImageKHR( display, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, (EGLClientBuffer)(&fbPixMap), NULL );glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GL_TEXTURE_2D, eglImage);......mali_egl_image *mimg = mali_egl_image_lock_ptr( eglImage );unsigned char *buffer = mali_egl_image_map_buffer( mimg, attribs_rgb );// update buffer heremali_egl_image_unmap_buffer( mimg, attribs_rgb );mali_egl_image_unlock_ptr( eglImage );
These mali_egl_image_* functions do not appear to be available in the mali_midgard driver we received from our chip vendor.
Our application is written in C with, apart from the above, standard openGL ES2 calls.
What would be the equivalent approach for updating a texture directly (ie not using glTexSubImage2D() ) with the T720 Midgard driver? Thankfully the above code exists in a single function and called from many places, so ideally a direct replacement would be fantastic!
Ben, that's all been tremendously helpful. Thank you.