I'm establishing a startup company and decided to use ARM devices as thin clients for my company's VDI solution. I have recently bought an RK3288-based device which uses a MALI-764 GPU. The device has Ubuntu 14.04 installed, but it is missing the 3D Hardware Acceleration functionality due to missing MALI 764 drivers.
However, I found the drivers available on Developer.
My question is: How can I compile these drivers to gain full 3D hardware acceleration on my linux-based device?
Thank you for the Info,
While X11 drivers with HW acceleration still need some time, Ubuntu 15.04 dev version already runs fine on RK3288 devices (fbdev driver) with some tweaking.
Bitkistl: Migrating Ubuntu 15.04 from upstart to systemd on the Ugoos UT3(S)
libhybris seems to work for video playback:
hw accelerated video / video processor (VPU) running on linux on RK3288 / fir... - Firefly-RK3288 - Firefly Open Source…
Best Regards,Peter Bauer