Hi guys,
I'm seeing a peak in the shader core utilization which is not matched by any activity in the core unit utilization graph at all. My best guess for this is a series of OpenGL API calls that look inefficient to me (which I have below in pseudo-code):
glBindFramebuffer(fbo_1); glInvalidateFramebuffer(fbo_1, {color,depth,stencil}); glClear(color|depth|stencil); glBindFramebuffer(fbo_2); ... // at some point glBindFramebuffer(fbo_1);
Could the graph below explain this? I can barely see any writes (which, perhaps is related with transaction elimination?) so I'm pretty clueless.
This was recorded in a Mali-G71 btw.
Hi Joao,
Yep, that API sequence looks like the cause.
Mali flushes render passes when the binding changes, so you're doing a flush of FBO1 which is just writing clear color tiles. You're not seeing many writes because constant color tiles compress *really well* =) Aim to bind each render passes once, and do all rendering operations in a single pass.
Note that the placement of that invalidate looks odd. You want to invalidate at the end of a pass after the draw calls before switching the binding ; invalidate only the transient attachments you don't need to persist.
HTH, Pete
Hi Pete,
Thanks for the super quick reply! I noticed the Invalidate not making much sense but copy-pasted it here for completeness. The sequence of calls is from a third-party render engine. Once more, thanks for the precious help!