Hello all,
I am working in Mali T604 and I am using double precision. I enabled this extension with:
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
All double precision operations work and vector double precision operations also work but shuffle function is unknown for double.
Build error
If I do the same with single precision there is no problem.
Hi nieto,
Can you let us know what platform you are using, and the version of the driver, and where you got it?
Hi Chris,
We are using the SDK 1.1.0 and a Samsung Exynos 5 Dual board as platform, but I'm not sure where we got the driver right now.
Hi Diego,
If you didn't get it from us then you probably got it from Insignal. It's been a while but the last time I checked the drivers they were shipping were crazy out of date. I would recommend using the ones available for T604 from Mali GPU User-Space Binary Drivers (newly updated to show exactly what platforms each build supports ) You want r4p1-00rel0 for Mali-T60x r0p0.