I am working on GLES program using ARM GLES3.0 Emulator ver 1.4.
I want to print all active uniform detail.
I ahve 25 active Uniform in my shader code, out of these 25 uniforms, second uniform is array of uniform 'uniformArray[100]'.
But when I iterate through active uniforms to see detail of each uniform, itstarts giving garbage values after first 25 uniforms( i.e after activeUniform1, uniformArray[0], uniformArray[1], uniformArray[2],... uniformArray[23] )
Please confirm if it was an issue with EGL 1.4
Hi Sunil,
additionally to the important questions that Chris and Adam have asked you, and would help us very much understanding the issue with your code, I suggest you to check this question on StackOverflow: How can I find a list of all the uniforms in OpenGL es 2.0 vertex shader pro - Stack Overflow
I know it's a simple example, but still a good way of checking the basics.