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OPENGL ES3.0 context using opengl es 3.0 emulator 1.4.1


I have been trying to create opengl es 3.0 context using the latest 1.4.1 es 3 emulator. The example I am using is cube example of es 2 emulator. I have added the header "EGL/eglext.h" to use EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE as EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT, and include GLES3/gl3.h as well. Also has set context attribute as EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION , 3.

EGLint aEGLAttributes[] = {
EGL_RED_SIZE,       8,
EGL_BLUE_SIZE,      8,



EGLint aEGLContextAttributes[] = {

The code is compiling correctly but giving error as :

No EGL configurations were returned.

Tried to set not RGB size and RGB size as 565. But same error.

I am using windows 7 with visual studio 2012. Same code is working fine for OPENGL ES 2.0 context using same OPENGLES 3.0 emulator. Do we need to set anything else?


  • Hi harsha!

    I have downloaded Mali OpenGL ES 2.0 Emulator v1.3.2, added the changes you have mentioned to the cube example source code, updated Makefile to use correct headers and libraries paths and I was able to compile (using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express) and run cube example.

    The only difference is that I use additional attribute (EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT) in aEGLAttributes[], otherwise eglCreateWindowSurface() fails, but that happens few lines after "No EGL configurations were returned".

    Looks like in your case no configs are being returned by eglChooseConfig().

    Could you please let us know what graphics card and driver version you are using? Maybe your system doesn't fulfill minimum requirements (OpenGL 3.3 support, see User Guide) to provide OpenGL ES 3.0 context.

    Also - if possible - could you please upload the source code / Makefile / etc of your modified cube example to help us reproduce the problem?



  • Hi harsha!

    I have downloaded Mali OpenGL ES 2.0 Emulator v1.3.2, added the changes you have mentioned to the cube example source code, updated Makefile to use correct headers and libraries paths and I was able to compile (using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express) and run cube example.

    The only difference is that I use additional attribute (EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT) in aEGLAttributes[], otherwise eglCreateWindowSurface() fails, but that happens few lines after "No EGL configurations were returned".

    Looks like in your case no configs are being returned by eglChooseConfig().

    Could you please let us know what graphics card and driver version you are using? Maybe your system doesn't fulfill minimum requirements (OpenGL 3.3 support, see User Guide) to provide OpenGL ES 3.0 context.

    Also - if possible - could you please upload the source code / Makefile / etc of your modified cube example to help us reproduce the problem?


