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Mali hardware acceleration on ubuntu on Chromebook

Looking at this post

Graphics and Compute Development on Samsung Chromebook « Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center

I have see that is possible to have Mali GPU hardware acceleration on Samsung ARM Chromebook with Ubuntu.

On the post you guide all the process to prepare an sd card to install ubuntu with mail support on chromebook, could you provide even the imagefile of the generated sd card?


  • Please note that the Linux on Chromebook with ARM® Mali™ GPU has moved to the community website and it has also be updated to use the latest r5p0 drivers.  Now you don't need to link directly against as the driver archives come with symlinks for the standard graphics and compute libraries.  We haven't fixed the lack of hardware-accelerated windowing system using OpenGL ES yet but it's clearly something we would like to have.

  • Please note that the Linux on Chromebook with ARM® Mali™ GPU has moved to the community website and it has also be updated to use the latest r5p0 drivers.  Now you don't need to link directly against as the driver archives come with symlinks for the standard graphics and compute libraries.  We haven't fixed the lack of hardware-accelerated windowing system using OpenGL ES yet but it's clearly something we would like to have.
